Monday, August 29, 2016

Israel has laws resembling South Africa Apartheid

via Reddit


South Africa
Regulates the procedures for the establishment of political parties in Israel. Article 5(1) sets forth various [ideological] limitations on the registration rights of political parties similar to Section 7(A)(1) of The Basic Law: The Knesset, including the prohibition on registration of parties which, by their platforms, “deny the existence of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state”. The Act defined communism as any scheme that aimed "at bringing about any political, industrial, social, or economic change within the Union by the promotion of disturbance or disorder" or that encouraged "feelings of hostility between the European and the non-European races of the Union the consequences of which are calculated to further..." disorder.,_1950
A further attempt to reduce the space allowed for protest by Palestinians citizens of Israel was mounted by the General Security Services (GSS), who continue to use intimidation tactics, including warning phone calls and threats of prosecution if activists do not halt their activities. This kind of state sanctioned harassment and intimidation of Palestinian political leaders and activists in Israel stands in stark contrast to the treatment afforded to Jewish Israeli protesters exercising their right to freedom of assembly. The Riotous Assemblies Act, Act No 17 of 1956 in South Africa (Commencement (16 March) made gatherings in open-air public places prohibited if the Minister of Justice considered that they could endanger the public peace. Banishment was also included as a form of punishment.,_1956
As a result, thousands of immigrants admitted to Israel under the Law of Return cannot marry in Israel, because the Israeli rabbinate does not recognize them as Jewish. The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act, Act No 55 of 1949, was an apartheid law in South Africa that prohibited marriages between people of different races. It was among the first pieces of apartheid legislation to be passed following the National Party's rise to power in 1948.,_1949
The bill declares in Article 1 that its purpose is to “regulate land ownership in the Negev regarding ownership claims filed by the Negev Bedouin population” and also “to facilitate the development of the Negev for the benefit of all of its inhabitants, including making possible a solution for settling the Negev Bedouin population”. In practice, the draft bill outlines a framework to expedite procedures to enforce government policies regarding the Bedouin Arab population in the Negev on two parallel issues. The first issue is the evacuation of the unrecognized villages in the Negev, with the bill founded on the assumption that the residents of the unrecognized villages are squatters lacking any rights to the land, and therefore must be evicted. The second issue is the topic of land ownership in the Negev. The underlying premise of the bill is that there is no Bedouin land ownership at all in the Negev. Therefore, the arrangement it proposes is ex gratia. The Prevention of Illegal Squatting Act, Act No 52 of 1951, formed part of the apartheid system of racial segregation in South Africa. This act authorized the forcible removal of squatting communities. It allowed eviction and destruction of homes of squatters by landowners, local authorities and government officials. It was commenced on 6 July 1951 http://en.wikipedia.or/wiki/Prevention_of_Illegal_Squatting_Act,_1951
One of a series of bills seek to raise the threshold percentage of votes required for political parties in order to obtain seats in the Israeli parliament. These bills will primarily affect the Arab political parties, some or all of which would be expected to fall below the new thresholds if introduced. The bills variously propose to raise the current threshold from the current 2% to between 3% and 5% in elections to future Knessets. The Palestinian political parties in Israel reflect the spectrum of political views held by Palestinian citizens of Israel, from Communist/Jewish-Arab (Hadash/al-Jabha), Islamist (Ra’am-Ta’al), to secular/Arab nationalist (Balad/Tajammoa’). Currently, Hadash/al-Jabha has 4 seats (3.3%), Ra’am-Ta’al has 4 Knesset seats (3.3%), and Balad/Tajammoa’ has 3 seats (2.5%). The bills therefore represent a direct threat to all the Arab political parties in the Knesset and to the political participation of Palestinian citizens in national affairs. The Promotion of Bantu Self-government Act, 1959 (Act No. 46 of 1959, commenced 19 June; subsequently renamed the Promotion of Black Self-government Act, 1959 and later the Representation between the Republic of South Africa and Self-governing Territories Act, 1959) was a piece of South African apartheid legislation that allowed for the transformation of reserves into "fully fledged independent Bantustans" which would also divide Blacks into 'ethnically' discrete groups. It also resulted in the abolition of parliamentary representation for Blacks, an act furthered in 1970 with the passage of the Black Homeland Citizenship Act.,_1959
A number of measures illustrated the determination of the authorities to stamp out what they saw as a move towards unacceptable radicalisation. These included the vote in July 1980 to amend the anti-terrorist law, banning any expression of support for the PLO or any other hostile organization, together with the December 1980 prohibition of the Nazareth Congress of the Arab Masses, and the ban in April 1981 on the National Coordination Committee of Abna al-Balad. The Suppression of Communism Act 44 of 1950 (renamed in 1976 the Internal Security Act) was legislation of the national government in South Africa, passed on 26 June of that year (and coming into effect on 17 July),[1] which formally banned the Communist Party of South Africa and proscribed any party or group subscribing to the ideology of communism.,_1950

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